Thursday, October 16, 2014

October fun!

 I took the boys to the park the other day. It was such a nice day and we needed to get out of the house!! We are so blessed, this park is only about a 2 mile walk round trip and it is nice and quiet.
Matthias climbed all the stairs himself so he could be up there with the big boys!
 Abel offered to take Matthias down the slide and of course Elisha had to go too, so here they all are!
 Love the swings!
 My Abel. He has thankfully learned to pump himself, so I only have to keep 2 swings going at a time!
 And my Elisha...this is his smile!! What a goof!
 We found this storm trooper outfit at the thrift store the other day. We don't do Halloween, but Abel loves to dress up. He also loves Star Wars right now. This didn't come off for about 2 days, then I insisted that we wash it! I'm sure it will be back on here shortly!
 My boys!
And Matthias' 10 mth picture. Hard to believe my baby is going to be a year in 2 short months! So very blessed to have this happy guy!

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