Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thanksgiving, Christmas Tree Hunting, and Abel's birthday

Church's chancel for Thanksgiving.
 We had a very nice Thanksgiving. We started it in a very good place, Church! We thank God for all His mercy and blessings upon us and for His most precious gift, His Son!
A few members from Church joined us for a traditional meal (the very first one I cooked all by myself! It was edible!! :).
Boys after church in the leaf pile

One way we got ready for Thanksgiving was by making a "Thankful Tree" this year. The boys got to write something they were thankful for on a leaf for the month of November. They had some very sweet ones (such as Daddy and Jesus dying for my sins) and some funny ones (the color orange and numbers and clocks). It was a good practice for us all to set time aside to think about what we were thankful for!
 Christmas Tree Hunting!
We have been going out the day after Thanksgiving for a few years now. It is a fun time to hike and spend some time together. Abel is quite the hiker/climber and has little fear. He climbed this all by himself!
Dad carried Matthias up and I carried him down while Samuel carried the tree:)

Elisha needed his picture taken on a rock too!

Found a fun cave

Handsome guy!

Found the tree! Everyone got a turn to cut

Even mom had to take a turn:)

All my guys!!

"Helping" Matthias climb the turned out better than this picture suggests:)
 Abel's Birthday!
 Abel turned 6 on the 30th. He requested Carrot cake and a party. He had his friends from the neighborhood over to play and have cake. It was a fun time!

 Opening presents!! He got a lot of Lego's, which he loves!
 A gift from Grandma Beda to hang in his room.
November was a very busy month with 3 birthdays and Thanksgiving. We all made it and even had fun! :)

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