Friday, August 26, 2011

The Chickens are Here!

The chickens are finally here!

Samuel was able to finish the coop on Sunday afternoon (right before we left for camping). We got our chickens on Wed. evening from the feed store in town. We were originally going to get them from a woman who lives in our neighborhood (she has about 50-60 chickens...all pets) who was looking to downsize a bit. However, she just gave some away about 2 weeks ago so we would have to wait a couple more weeks.

They were very eager to get out of the box when first put in....
We decided to get them from the feed store so we could get them right away and they had more of the variety that we were looking for, good layers.

I am a lot more interested in them than I thought I would be. They are so fun to watch and even to pet. Abel just loves them! He couldn't keep his little hands off of them...I am hoping they aren't traumatized!

....but we had to dump them out at home!
We put them outside when we got home and let them explore a bit, then we had to catch them all and put them in the coop for the night. Abel and I opened the coop up for them this morning and only one of the brave bardrocks has ventured out  (she can't get back in by herself though...). Maybe tomorrow we will encourage them all to get out of the coop for a bit. :)

We are now looking at names for the chickens...I suggested that we could do famous mountain names (ie Helen, Whitney, Nebo, Ararat, etc...) or my favorite suggestion, the top names from the 1900's (ie. Gladys, Ida, Alma, Mabel, Fannie, Eula, Ruby, Doris, Geraldine, Gertrude, Vivian, Hattie,etc.) you can see I already have those ones picked out:). We will see what happens! (as of last night Samuel agreed with my names!)

And now for some more pictures of Abel and the chickens!

This is one of the bardrocks, the brave ones!

One of 2 Australops

Helping the chicken explore...

"Here chicky, chicky" is what Abel likes to say:)

Got one!

Abel this morning: "Chickens like kisses." Me: "Well, chickens like to be pet and held, but not kissed." Abel: "Chickens DO like kisses because they LOVE us!"
He is really into the chickens I guess!
Dad and the mostly finished coop. (I still have painting to do)

We will hopefully get eggs in about 5 months. They are only about a month old at this point. We got 2 bard rocks, 2 australops, 4 buff orpingtons, and 4 Rhode Island Reds (forgive the spelling...). The bard rocks are by far the bravest and most friendly at this point in time and the reds are very skittish. Hopefully we so much loving by Abel they will be friendly soon.

So, those are our chickens!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We went camping on Sunday afternoon-Tuesday morning this past week. It was our first time camping as a family. Some members of the church have a motor home and like to camp at a place only 30 minutes from Bishop (one of the great things about living in this area!). They invited us to share their campground with them.

We camped in a tent. Abel thought this was the greatest thing in the world! We set up the tent around 6pm and by 6:01 he was SO tired! He couldn't wait to get in that tent! He lasted about 10 minutes in there and then he wanted out:). Abel and I slept in the tent and Samuel slept outside (we weren't fighting, he wanted to sleep outside!). I was nervous that Abel wouldn't sleep well in the tent, but he did great! It was an "fun" night. We had an air mattress in the tent (roughing it, I know...) and it slowly deflated during the night because of how cold it was. So, by morning Abel was laying practically on top of me! It was the cutest thing watching him sleep and wake up in the morning. He opened his eyes just a crack and saw me looking at him and he got a big grin on his face! He popped up and was so excited to be in the tent!!

We did a lot and yet did nothing...went fishing (Abel's first time!), did a little hiking, read a lot, played in the dirt (mostly Abel), cooked over the fire,
Abel hanging out!
 ate smores, and really had a great time! A really nice thing
though was the people we were camping with let us use all
of their stuff too (and they fed us!!!).
The Gillilands (talking to Sam and in the yellow shirt).

At the river with the Gillilands

Where's Abel?

We had planned to only stay the one night because we weren't sure how Abel would get along with his sleeping, but we decided to stay another. The second night Abel wasn't as eager to get in the tent and in the morning when he saw me next to him he opened his eyes a crack and then shut them right away (which was exactly how I was feeling too after a second night of being kicked and rolled on:).

It was a fun time and we hope we will get to go again...probably not this year, but hopefully next year.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A really cool sign!

We saw this sign on one of our bike rides.
And it made me remember a joke my Mom tells.

A woman goes to her Doctor complaining of being nauseous in the mornings
and being really tired.

The Doctor questions her more and examines her and finally looks at her and says with a grave face. "I think I know what it is. You have the Egyptian flu."

The lady is happy that he found out what was wrong...but more than that she is puzzled because she has never heard of the Egyptian flu before.

"What is the Egyptian flu Doctor?" she asks. He replies, "It means you are going to be a Mummy!"

 So guess who has the Egyptian flu? :)

I am about 5 weeks pregnant. Due date is somewhere around April 20th.
We are really excited and have prayed for this child for a long time. We thank God that He has had mercy on us and blessed us with this child.
At the same time we (mostly me) are a little nervous too. It is scary to think about losing another child. However, we know that God can get us through anything and that His will is ALWAYS good.

We will definitely keep everyone updated on how things are going with the pregnancy.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Abel's Stable

When we were up to WA in May our friends the Faugstad's had a little barn for their children that someone gave them. Abel LOVED it! So, Dad and Abel decided to make one for our family.
Here they are getting ready to work! Abel even has a tool belt!

Getting the plans drawn up!

 This is about 2 minutes into the process....he lasted about a minute more:).

 Dad cutting the barn out! 

This is how Abel helps during the cutting!

 The "almost" finished barn!

 Abel with the finished barn, the animals are already in there too!

I helped paint it (don't look too closely!). It was a lot of fun to make and we have made one more so far for one of our godchildren that I am going to see soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

From the Stairs to the Diving Board

Abel recently completed swimming lessons at the City pool. We went with a neighbor of ours that has a daughter a few weeks older than Abel.

When I first asked Samuel if Abel could take swimming lessons he was very hesitant....he said, I learned to swim without taking lessons. I explained to him that Abel really wouldn't be learning to swim at all, it was more of a social opportunity for the two of us, after that explanation he was all for it. :)

Sitting on the stairs....
I was quite concerned about the money we spent on the lessons when for the first week Abel would not get off of the stairs, and for a couple of those days I had to take him to the pool and sit next to him for awhile and encourage him to stay in the pool.

He's in the water!!
However, the next week he started getting used to the pool. I was watching him the 2nd week and one minute he was on the stairs and the next he was actually letting one of the teachers help him float! I was impressed. He only got braver as the week went on.

Abel throwing the "treasure" in!
His favorite thing to do was throw all the "treasure" (basket of toys) into the pool while everyone else was doing something else. He also enjoyed jumping in the pool and having the teacher catch him. One day he was so excited he wasn't waiting for the teacher to be done with another child and he went under for a second!

Abel on the diving platform

On the last day of swimming Dad came and watched and Abel did great! They took his class over to the big pool and had them jump into it. Then they let them climb onto the diving platforms and jump from there...Abel was the first one up there (he volunteered)!!

He may just be a swimmer yet!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Sunday was the 6th anniversary of my Dad's death. I keep thinking, it can't be that long really does feel like just yesterday sometimes. He died early in the morning with his beloved right by his side singing hymns to him. He battled the cancer, but ultimately God decided that it was his time to go. I remember Mom coming into the room my sister and I shared and telling us Dad was gone. Just the night before we had all sat around his hospital bed in my parents room and talked, we even laughed a bit.

It is hard even 6 years later. I wish he had been able to meet my husband, I wish that he had been there to meet his first grandson, I wish he had been there for our hard time with dear Simeon. But now I envy him, he doesn't have any more pain or suffering or loss (and he gets to be with Simeon!).

One of my favorite hymns is God's Own Child. The 4th verse starts out "Death you cannot end my gladness, I am baptized into Christ." In the hymn it is talking about the person who is dying (or will die), but I also like to think of it as those who are left behind...even the death of a father, spouse, or child cannot "end our gladness"!
Praise be to Christ for His victory over death!

My Mom just shared this piece that she had written when they found out Dad's cancer was terminal. It is a beautiful piece and makes me admire my Mom even more for how strong she has been and continues to be.


As a child, I would look down the hallway of life and I couldn’t see the end of the hall

But the hall was bright with colors and doorways and windows and excitement.

As an adult, sometimes the hallway looked dim, the colors were grayed, doors were shut and windows were shuttered. Other times the hallway would take an unexpected turn, and where the passage way had seemed to go forward, there was a wall, and you were forced to turn aside; soon though, you could see that the turn brought you back to a brightly lit, open hall with doors and windows on all the sides.

You start to hang pictures in your hallway. Behind you, you hang pictures of memories. You can look back at the hallway and see the pictures of your life. In the hall ahead, you hang your dreams and plans. You can look ahead and say, when I get to that spot, this is what I am going to do. Sometimes you have to change the pictures, once in a while, you have to repaint them. Lots of times, you add dabs of color as if to say, I am going to do this also!

In my hallway, I walk with my hand in my husband’s hand, when we got married our hallways merged together looking forward and it is funny, but the longer we are married, the more our hallway of the past is merged. The pictures we hang as we walk along are shared memories of the past and shared dreams of the future.

The day we were told he had cancer, it seemed as if the hallway just stopped. No noise, no color, no doors, no pictures. My husband and I stood still, hand in hand, looking at one another. We slowly began to walk forward again, but all of the pictures ahead of us were gone. All of the doorways were gone, there were no windows, no turns, just a long hallway ahead of us. We walked along slowly and painfully, going forward, getting nowhere.

We are still walking. I run ahead and hang up the pictures of our future, telling my husband, “see, look there, we are going to do that…” He smiles softly and carefully removes the picture and props it against the wall. He won’t take the picture away, but he won’t allow me to leave it hanging either. He gently takes me by the hand and points to the end of the hallway and tells me what he sees there, a doorway, different from the others because it is at the end of the hallway. He explains that he is not afraid to go through the door because he knows that when he gets to it, the One who will be opening it for him is his Friend.

I cannot see the end of the hallway. When I look where he is pointing, I see a long hall, white, no color, no music, no joy, lonely. I don’t want to walk that hallway.

Today, we are waiting to see what the doctor says, we are not walking, we are standing together, shuffling our feet. Not looking at the future or the past. Just waiting.

A few weeks later we are slowly, agonizingly shuffling along the hallway. I am holding my husband up. He does not like to lean on me, but for now, he must.

We talk about letting go. He has been on 4 rounds of medication to beat the monster within him. The medication makes him weak and sick and he dislikes this intensely. He tells me I am selfish to want to keep him here like this, he is only half kidding. It hurts so much to watch him, but I don’t want him to go. He tells me he is only going home, how can I not want him to go home? He tells me it will only be a moment and I will go home too. But moments here last a lifetime.

I pray that God will give me the knowledge to let go when it is time and the strength to do it. I won’t let go a second sooner though.

The hallway is blank and dark ahead. I will walk with you. I will carry you. I will help you through and when it is time, I will let you go and watch with love as you walk through the door. (Gary walked through the door, letting go of my hand and going into the arms of Jesus on 7/31/2005, early in the morning)

I know that it is God who works the light switch at both ends of the hallway. When I was born, He turned on the light and pointed the way down the hall and said, I will be watching over you as you go down the hall. I will be waiting at the other end. Don’t worry, I can see you all the way.

When I get to the end of my hallway, I know that it will be He who opens the door at the end, tells me I have arrived and turns out the light in the hall, and gently closes the door after leading me through.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 years!

On August 5th we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. We had such a wonderful day...we went to swimming lessons for Abel (Dad came and watched since it was the last day), we ate PB&J sandwiches in the park afterwards, and then we had the neighbors over for dinner (because we both forgot when making the plans that Friday was our anniversary!).
So, with these things in mind I thought I would tell you why I love my dear husband....

1) Swimming lessons= Samuel loves our son and wants to be a big part of his life, even willing to take off from work to see him "swim".
2) PB&J= He is soooo laid back about what we eat...he never complains even if it is only PB&J!
3) Park= Well, he knows I HAVE to say this one...he is a bit...(how do you say cheap in a nice way??) Frugal! I love how he is able to care for us and thank him for being so frugal so that I can stay home with our son.

4) Having the neighbors over= He is a very social person and loves to meet new people...while sometimes I fight him on this one (I am not a very social person) it almost always turns out to be a fun time!
5) Both of us forgetting about our anniversary= (this is going to get gooey so stop reading now if you have a weak stomach!) It means that every day we show each other that we love being married, an anniversary doesn't mean anything if you aren't living that love everyday! (Told you it was a bit gooey)

Those are just 5 of the many reasons
I love my husband!! :)

And the absolute best part of our day was when I tried on my wedding dress for the first time in 4 years! It FITS! And it is even a bit big!! It really made my day:)