Saturday, July 7, 2012

2 Months (only half a month later!)

Well, Elisha has made it to 2 months (and a little more). We couldn't have asked for a better little boy. He is very content and such a joy to be with. God has certainly blessed us beyond anything we could ask for.

Elisha has started smiling, which is just about the best thing a baby can do:). He likes a book called Smile which has a bunch of babies faces in it that are smiling...he gets big grins when he sees those. He also usually has a big smile for Mom when he wakes up from a is times like those I want to hold onto forever (the nap and the smile)!

July 4th
 Abel is still enjoying his baby brother. Just recently he has started going into our room when Elisha starts to wake up from a nap and turn music on for him, talk with him, and rock him in his bassinet. Elisha enjoys it and I think Abel likes that he can make Elisha happy. Abel is still eagerly awaiting the day when Elisha can play though...:)

This is a picture of what happens when Abel does try to play with Elisha. We were at the garden recently and I asked Abel to rock Elisha who was in his car seat. I looked over to see how he was doing and Elisha had mud all over his face and chest. It looked much worse before it all dried and before I wiped the mud off his mouth (and from in his mouth....).

Life is only going to get more fun when Elisha can actively participate!