Saturday, October 15, 2011

Catch up and Ketchup

I am finally writing again. I haven't felt very good lately so I have been taking a lot of naps in the afternoons when I would usually do things on the computer. So, here is the catch up part:)
Abel and Dad saying Goodbye!
Abel and I took a trip to Washington to visit some of my family and friends. We stayed with my Mom and had a great time!
We drove up there in 2 days (Abel had fun at the hotel) and the drive really wasn't that bad. We had some movies, lots of snacks, and thankfully some sleep (not me, Abel).
While we were up there we went to visit my Grandpa Norman. It is always fun to go there, it reminds me of my Dad. We saw the cow that we will be eating next year :). While there we also got a surprise, my Dad's sister was coming down from WA to visit. We met her and my cousin in Hood River for supper. It was fun to see both of them again. Hunter and Abel got along great too.
Abel and cousin Hunter

I learned the hard way ALWAYS take the picture before the day you leave!!
Abel and Great Grandma Coolidge playing cars
Abel and Harley hanging out
Black Beard Abel!

We also went to visit my cousin Jed, his wife Angie, and their 2 children. They live only an hour from the ocean so we decided to take the kids over. It was bout 90 degrees at their house so we put all the kids in shorts and t-shirts and loaded up. When we got to the ocean it was about 55 degrees, foggy, and windy. Very cold! So, poor Abel didn't get to see the ocean at all!! After looking in at one shop (which wasn't kid friendly) we decided to take the kids back to their house, got them an ice cream and let them play in the pool. They enjoyed that.
The next day we left the kids with Jed and Uncle Mike and the ladies took off for the beach. It was a full day of shopping and looking. We had some really good clam chowder at a place called the "Sea Hag". It was nice to spend time with just the girls and no kids to look after.

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I also got to visit with Samuel's sister. We went to a mall in Vancouver (which turned out to be not as much fun because the play place was under construction!) and then to a park. Abel and Lilly were pretty cute together. Lilly kept wanting to hold Abel's hand, he let her at first, but then told her his hand was busy and promptly put it in his pocket! The Finlay's are moving back to Michigan, so we probably won't be seeing them for a while, so it was great that we were able to meet half way and visit!

Cowboy Abel!
On last Sat. there was a Huckleberry festival in a town called Bingen not too far from where Mom lives. We stopped to check it out and Abel got to ride a pony. He was so excited! On the way home from there I told him, "Abel, you were just like a cowboy!" He replied, "Mom, I was a cowboy." :)
We also saw a herpetology show (snakes, lizards, turtles). Abel was in the front row (as well as myself) and handled it okay until the guy swung a snake at us! Then he was ready to go!
I was also able to visit Simeon's grave while there. It was more difficult this time because I went all by myself. It was hard to think of him as my baby and yet be pregnant with a baby...this is going to be a hard 7 months, but I am positive it is well worth it.

The trip home also went well. It was a little bit harder because we were both more tired and Abel broke the beloved DVD player (yes, I cried), a lot of books, singing, and playing very silly games to pass the time. We drove all the way to Reno the first day (10 1/2 hours) and it really wasn't terrible. We were both very happy to be out of the car though! The following day we only had 4 hours to go and we were even more excited to get out of the car!! Dad is very glad we are home and so are we!

Erica, Abel, and I at the Bristlecones, we were in the "slow" group
Abel and Isaac at the lake
Other things that have happened in my very long absence...The Jacobsen family from Oregon came down to visit us. Pastor Jacobsen was Samuel's bishop while he was vicaring. It was fun to have them all around. We went to the train museum, swimming in a lake, and up to the Bristlecone Pines. The thing I loved the most was having a friend around so much and another adult to talk to! Plus the kids got along great and entertained Abel (although now he thinks he knows how to play video games...:).

He HAD to have a picture where he was pointing to the rock...
Samuel went to GPC (General Pastoral Conference) in Minneapolis, MN at the beginning of Oct. Abel and I were left to our own devices....(insert evil laugh here). We didn't get in to much trouble. Although, Abel did take Mom out for Mexican food (which I have been craving) and it was fun to have a date with just my little man (although the conversation is a little more interesting when Dad is around...). We spent a lot of time at the park and watching movies. It rained for the first time in a long time while Samuel was gone. I even started a fire!
Samuel had a great time and I think he enjoyed his fellowship with other Pastors. He also got to meet a famous person, it really made Abel's day when he saw this picture!

We have had 2 Dr. visits and both times they said the baby looks good and healthy. We had an ultrasound done and it was such a joy to see our baby. He or she was jumping around and was being very cooperative! Abel also was there to see the ultrasound. He wanted to know where the baby's tummy was. Abel is very interested in the baby. He often will give the baby hugs and kisses and he is also helping mommy keep the baby healthy (by taking walks with me). He also blesses the baby every night before bed (Dad blesses him before bed, so he has started doing the blessing too, "Grace upon you and give you peace. Amen" is his version. :).
 We also just found out that one of Samuel's cousins in pregnant and due the same day as us! (April 19th) The race is on!! (although I am positive we will both get to April 19th on the same day....) We are excited for them and are happy about a cousin that will be the same age. 

Abel and I are going to start doing preschool starting in November (Able is the one in preschool I will be teaching...). I am excited to start "teaching" again! Abel has been very interested in knowing what "those letters say" and in counting things, so I figured I might as well take advantage of it. I am hoping by Nov. I am feeling better and more energetic so we can spend a 1/2 hour to and hour every day doing "school". There is also a mom down the street with a little girl about Abel's age that wants to start doing more craft projects with her daughter, so we may join forces and have our own little preschool running!

So, to the Ketchup. Samuel "made" some. I put it in quotations because it doesn't really taste like ketchup that you buy, but it isn't terrible. It tastes a bit more like BBQ sauce than ketchup (but I think that was due to the unintentional carbon flavoring). So, it was an experiment that I don't think we will try again, but Samuel enjoyed the process (my stomach didn't appreciate it though). 

I am starting to feel a bit better. I don't need a nap every day anymore! I am still tired and get a bit woozy in the morning and sometimes at night. However, I am 13 weeks along and hoping that it will let up soon.

Thanks for reading and I hope it was too boring...I will try to keep the pictures at least updated even if I don't feel like writing much.